
121 Business Network Platform

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Meeting Place

One of the most important elements of 121 Business Network is our approach to everything within the site being "open". We make very few restrictions on member activities or on the information that can be seen by members. Our ethos is very much that this is a 21st Century equivalent of a Roman Forum. If you come into our site then you are open for business, for making new contacts and new business friends.

This is not to say that we encourage or allow a free-for-all or any form of bad practice, we strictly control the professional standard of the site and seek to make sure that all members get serious benefit from their membership.

The Meeting Place structure provides for members to make new contacts, develop conversations with other members, receive invites to webinars and online presentations, invites to join groups and can generally extend their network of valuable connections, all through the site. Unlike other networks we encourage this to be done in an open format (although there are privacy settings if required) so that the whole membership of the site can interact with each other in an unrestricted way.

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