Creating an Account

The 121 Business Network is a member’s only site where members are connected and introduced to one another to further their business objectives.

Members can register either as an individual or as a business.

Remember the key to our approach is we do the networking for you.

Completing the Create Account sections does not commit you to anything. It merely registers your interest, allowing us to come back to you and discuss with you - your precise networking requirements. For example, how you want your profile completed, who you want to meet, when and how.

We can also discuss our special Founder Member offer and how – at this stage - we are building the membership around Founder Members, who get very special terms around their membership. Once you complete the Create Account section – which takes around one minute - we will come back to you by telephone or email. It is only after our initial discussion and with your full agreement/permission that we then activate your account and start making the connections and introductions for you.

Just click the Create Account button below to kick start the process. We will then be able to start helping you with new connections, introductions, meetings and business contacts, helping you to do more business.